Basketball (hr)

There is currently not enough data.

Beard Trims

There is currently not enough data.

Block squeeze (min)

There is currently not enough data.

Body Weight (lb)

There is currently not enough data.

Brush Teeth

There is currently not enough data.

Charge Watch

There is currently not enough data.

Cold Shower (x)

There is currently not enough data.

contacts in

There is currently not enough data.

Creatine (g)

There is currently not enough data.


There is currently not enough data.


There is currently not enough data.

Echinacea (mg)

There is currently not enough data.

Encourage Kai

There is currently not enough data.

eye exercises (x)

There is currently not enough data.

Fish Oil (mg)

There is currently not enough data.


There is currently not enough data.

Frog Stretches (min)

There is currently not enough data.

Goblet Squats

There is currently not enough data.

Heaviest Current Kettlebell (lb)

There is currently not enough data.

hip socket rotations (x)

There is currently not enough data.

jiu jitsu bridges

There is currently not enough data.

Kettle Bell Deadlift

There is currently not enough data.

Kettle Bell Lunges

There is currently not enough data.

Kettle Bell Push Press

There is currently not enough data.

Kettle Bell Swings

There is currently not enough data.

L-Theanine (mg)

There is currently not enough data.

Left Leg Squat Load (lb)

There is currently not enough data.

Life Focus

There is currently not enough data.

Lifting Volume (lb)

There is currently not enough data.

Love Myself

There is currently not enough data.

Made Beds

There is currently not enough data.

Magnesium (mg)

There is currently not enough data.

Matcha Tea

There is currently not enough data.

Max bench press for the day (lb)

There is currently not enough data.

Max curl for the day (lb)

There is currently not enough data.

Max squat for the day (lb)

There is currently not enough data.

Meditation (min)

There is currently not enough data.

morning pages

There is currently not enough data.

Mouth Wash

There is currently not enough data.

No Coffee

There is currently not enough data.

Omega-3 (mg)

There is currently not enough data.

on back left leg rotation

There is currently not enough data.

on back right leg rotation

There is currently not enough data.

Plank (min)

There is currently not enough data.


There is currently not enough data.

pull ups

There is currently not enough data.


There is currently not enough data.

reviewed writing

There is currently not enough data.

Right Leg Squat Load (lb)

There is currently not enough data.

Running Time (min)

There is currently not enough data.

Single Leg Squats

There is currently not enough data.

Single-Arm Kettle Bell Rows

There is currently not enough data.

Skin Cleanser

There is currently not enough data.

Skin Hydration

There is currently not enough data.

Skin Moisturize

There is currently not enough data.


There is currently not enough data.

Strength Training Duration (hr)

There is currently not enough data.

Stretching (min)

There is currently not enough data.

Theragun (min)

There is currently not enough data.

Trash (x)

There is currently not enough data.

Turmeric (mg)

There is currently not enough data.


There is currently not enough data.

Vitamin C (mg)

There is currently not enough data.

Vitamin D3 (μg)

There is currently not enough data.

Water (mL)

There is currently not enough data.