Does Futureland's Pyramid of Needs match your own outlook?
In more detail:
- Futureland is where I go to record all my ideas and progress
- It encourages me to bravely explore things out of my comfort zone, because it makes new explorations feel like nbd
- Checking in on Futureland isn't something I consciously think about, it just happens
- Encourage community and sharing (commenting, inviting, collaborating)
- Encourage the pursuit of a lot of different interests, by encouraging the creation of many journals
- Encourage frequent posting and reviewing of journals
- Is more inviting for new users, users can self-onboard and self-teach
- Easier to learn about who made this and why – lets me know that I can trust them
Basic Interaction
- Currently Futureland's interface is more something you memorize than intuited, requiring a higher learning curve and more daily friction that it should. This is because the conceptual datamodel (many journals → each with many posts) doesn't match the visual hierarchy and placement of controls.
- Actions are logically grouped
- Clickable elements appear clickable