Futureland ALPHA
To protect our users from annoying and frustrating bugs on iOS I am looking for voluntary iOS testers to review new app versions before they get released to the majority of Futureland users. These app versions will include the latest and greatest features but are expected to suffer from more bugs and glitches and are in general less reliable. The test users should help to get the app into a more stable state by giving feedback before new versions get a general release.
- You heavily rely on Futureland as your daily tool
- You don't want to deal with bugs and glitches of any kind
- You don't want to give feedback about problems that occur while using the Futureland app
- Stability is more important than the latest features for you
You can comment on this entry or send me a message to get invited to Futureland ALPHA if
- You want to test the latest and greatest features of the Futureland iOS app
- You are ready to report bugs and give feedback in this journal
- You don't mind if you experience bugs or crashes while using the iOS app
Everyone is invited to follow the development of the Futureland iOS app and share their insights, experiences and bugs in this journal.